

SMP Limited uses cookies to improve your browsing experience and to better tailor its websites to your needs and preferences. This cookie statement provides more information on the cookies that are used on this website and on how you can change your cookie settings - if need be.

You consent to the use of cookies on SMP Limited's website in accordance with this cookie statement by continuing browsing the website (i.e. by clicking on a link, image or other content on the homepage). You can withdraw your consent at all times by changing your cookie preferences (see below, “Change your cookie settings”).

For more information about how the SMP Limited processes personal data, including by the use of cookies, and your rights as a data subject, please refer to the SMP Limited Privacy Policy.

1. About Cookies

Cookies are small text files that websites store on your computer or mobile device. Below you can find more information about the different types of cookies. For a full list of the cookies used on this website, see the following section “List of cookies used on this website”.

Temporary cookies / Persistent cookies

A “temporary cookie” or “session cookie” is stored temporarily on your computer or mobile device during a browsing session and is removed as soon as you close your browser. A “persistent cookie” remains on your computer or mobile device after you close your browser and is used to recognize you when you return to the website. A persistent cookie is deleted when a defined expiry date has passed.

First party cookies / Third party cookies

“First party cookies” are cookies that are set by the website you visit and can only be read by the website. “Third party cookies” are stored by a third party during your website visit and are used to forward certain information about your visit to that third party.

Necessary cookies / Functionality cookies

“Necessary cookies” or “essential cookies” are needed for the website to run properly. “Functionality cookies” are used to improve your browsing experience, for example by saving your preferences. Necessary cookies and functionality cookies can be stored on a user’s computer or mobile device without consent. Blocking these cookies will impact the proper functioning of the website or some of its components.

Analytical cookies / Advertising cookies

“Analytical cookies” collect information on how the website is used in order to improve its performance. “Advertising cookies” are used to collect information on the browsing behavior of users in order to customize advertisements to their personal interests. Analytical cookies and advertising cookies can only be stored with a user’s consent.

2. List of cookies
The full list of cookies used on this web site is presented below:

Load balancing cookie
Purpose: Improves the performance and reliability of the website
Owner: First party Cookie
Type: Necessary Cookie
Retention: Session

Cookie preference cookie
Purpose: Checks cookie consent / preferences
Owner: First party cookie
Type: Functionality cookie
Retention: Persistent

Unit preference cookie
Purpose: Remembers preference re. product specifications (metric or imperial units)
Owner: First party cookie
Type: Functionality cookie
Retention: Persistent

Language preference cookie
Purpose: Remembers language settings
Owner: First party cookie
Type: Functionality cookie
Retention: Persistent

Tracking cookies (Word Press visitor cookie)
Purpose: Identifies repeated visits from a single user
Owner: First party cookie
Type: Functionality/ Analytical cookie
Retention: Persistent/Session

Web analytics cookies (Google Analytics)
Purpose: Track navigation patterns of users
Owner: Third party cookie
Type: Analytical cookie
Retention: Persistent/Session

Advertisement cookies (Facebook Pixel/Connect)
Purpose: Presentation of relevant advertisement/ measurement of social media campaigns
Owner: Third party cookie
Type: Advertising cookie
Retention: Persistent

Our website may contain other/unforeseen cookies, particularly where it contains so-called embedded elements: texts, documents, pictures or short films that are stored with a third party, but are shown on, in, or through our website. Should you come across any cookie on this website that is not listed above, you can contact us via or contact the third party directly for more information. Change your cookie settings

3. Change your cookie settings via your browser settings

Your browser settings allow you to view and delete cookies from your computer and disable or block the installation of cookies on your computer.
Below you can find relevant instructions for the different browsers:

Cookies in Mozilla Firefox
Cookies in Google Chrome
Cookies in Internet Explorer
Cookies in Safari

If you use a mobile device, please see your handset manual for more information. Please note that you have to separately adapt the settings for each device and browser you use. If you block the installation of cookies on your computer, we cannot guarantee the proper functioning of our website or some of its components.

4. Future changes

We might have to adapt this statement from time to time, due to changes to the website or in the applicable regulation. You can always consult the latest version of our cookie statement via the website.

5. Further questions

For further questions, comments, and or any other general enquiry regarding the use of cookies on this website, please, contact us via

August 2022

About SMP Limited

SMP Limited provides differentiated products and services to help clients achieve their project goals. We seek to become our customers’ single source supplier of Heavy-Equipment and aftersales support and services. Our ever-expanding product categories range from - but not limited to - earth-moving scrapers and excavators, road machinery and mining trucks, construction machinery to Dongfeng Cummins Engine Powered Heavy-Duty Generators.

At SMP Limited, Quality, Service, & Integrity are our trademarks. Our products costs and service fees are moderate and, our deliveries are timely. When it comes to contract and contracting, we respect and abide to terms.